Viewset: Light-03 Test Number 1: Weight 25% Viewperf Version 6.1.1 Viewperf Arguments -qd box -rm LINE -cp VERTEX -wt -grab grab.scr Month 5 Day 21 Year 1999 Host hpspg126 Operating System HP-UX Operating System Version B.10.20 A Host Vendor Hewlett-Packard Host Model 9000/785/B1000 Host CPU unknown Host CPU Count 1 Host Memory Size (MB) 128 Host Primary Cache Size (KB) unknown Host Secondary Cache Size (KB) unknown Window System X Window System V11 Driver Version libddvisxgl.1 (19990504.19404) OpenGL Vendor HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY OpenGL Version 1.1 Revision 1.11 OpenGL Extensions GL_EXT_vertex_array GL_EXT_polygon_offset GL_EXT_blend_logic_op GL_EXT_texture GL_EXT_copy_texture GL_EXT_subtexture GL_EXT_texture_object GL_EXT_generate_mipmap GL_EXT_rescale_normal GL_HP_draw_array_set GL_HP_occlusion_test GL_HP_texture_lighting GL_EXT_texture_border_clamp GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp GL_EXT_shadow GL_EXT_texture3D GL_HP_depth_texture GL_HP_visibility_test OpenGL Renderer libddvisxgl OpenGL Client Vendor HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY OpenGL Client Version 1.2 Release 1 OpenGL Client Extensions GLX_EXT_visual_info GLX_EXT_visual_rating GLU Version 1.2 GLU Extensions Direct Rendering False Double Buffer True Stereo False RGBA True Color Index Size -1 Red Size 4 Green Size 4 Blue Size 4 Alpha Size 0 Accum Red Size 16 Accum Green Size 16 Accum Blue Size 16 Accum Alpha Size 0 Depth Size 24 Stencil Size 4 Auxiliary Buffer Count 0 Frame BufferLevel 0 Visual ID 0X26 Visual Class TrueColor Window Width (pixels) 700 Window Height (pixels) 700 Screen Width (pixels) 1280 Screen Height (pixels) 1024 Display hpspg126:0.0 OpenGL Server Vendor HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY OpenGL Server Version 1.2 Release 1 OpenGL Server Extensions GLX_EXT_visual_info GLX_EXT_visual_rating GLX Server Version 1.2 GLX Server Extensions GLX_EXT_visual_info GLX_EXT_visual_rating Screen Number 0 Shared Memory Connection False Visual Selection Criteria MINIMUM Number of Execution Threads 1 Geometry File box Input Mode -qd Minimum Test Period 0.000000 Number of Frames 100 Number of Primitives 281182 Number of Vertices per Frame 1124728 Number of Vertices per Primitive 4.000000 Toggle Mode NONE Batching Count 0 Render Mode LINE Color per COLOR_PER_VERTEX Orthographic Projection FALSE Display List FALSE Vertex Array (OpenGL1.1) FALSE Interleaved Data FALSE Clip Geometry FALSE Walkthrough Mode TRUE Back Face Cull FALSE Front Face Cull FALSE Front Polygon Mode FILL Back Polygon Mode FILL Polygon Stipple Enable FALSE Polygon Antialiasing Enable FALSE Line Width 1.000000 Line Stipple Enable FALSE Line Antialiasing Enable FALSE Number of Infinite Lights 0 Number of Local Lights 0 Color Material Enable FALSE Color Material Face FRONT Color Material Mode AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE Facet Normals FALSE Two Sided Lighting Enable FALSE Local Viewer Enable FALSE Flat Shading FALSE Fog Enable FALSE Normal Normalization FALSE Texture Enable FALSE TexObj Enable FALSE Texture Generation Mode NO_TEXTURE_GENERATION Texture File NONE Texture Minification Filter NEAREST Texture Magnification Filter NEAREST Texture Environment Mode DECAL Texture Components 3 Depth Test Enable FALSE Blend Enable FALSE Source Blend Function SRC_ALPHA Destination Blend Function ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA Dithering Enable TRUE Motion Blur Amount 0.000000 Full Scene Antialiasing Redraws 0 Full Scene Antialiasing Jitter Amount 0.000000 Number of frames run: 100, Test period: 28.590000 (sec) 3.50 frames/sec -- -qd box -rm LINE -nf 100 -cp VERTEX -ir -wt ============================================================= Viewset: Light-03 Test Number 2: Weight 25% Viewperf Version 6.1.1 Viewperf Arguments -qd box -rm QUAD -cp VERTEX -zb -bt 30 -xws 1248 -yws 960 -wt -grab grab.scr Month 5 Day 21 Year 1999 Host hpspg126 Operating System HP-UX Operating System Version B.10.20 A Host Vendor Hewlett-Packard Host Model 9000/785/B1000 Host CPU unknown Host CPU Count 1 Host Memory Size (MB) 128 Host Primary Cache Size (KB) unknown Host Secondary Cache Size (KB) unknown Window System X Window System V11 Driver Version libddvisxgl.1 (19990504.19404) OpenGL Vendor HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY OpenGL Version 1.1 Revision 1.11 OpenGL Extensions GL_EXT_vertex_array GL_EXT_polygon_offset GL_EXT_blend_logic_op GL_EXT_texture GL_EXT_copy_texture GL_EXT_subtexture GL_EXT_texture_object GL_EXT_generate_mipmap GL_EXT_rescale_normal GL_HP_draw_array_set GL_HP_occlusion_test GL_HP_texture_lighting GL_EXT_texture_border_clamp GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp GL_EXT_shadow GL_EXT_texture3D GL_HP_depth_texture GL_HP_visibility_test OpenGL Renderer libddvisxgl OpenGL Client Vendor HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY OpenGL Client Version 1.2 Release 1 OpenGL Client Extensions GLX_EXT_visual_info GLX_EXT_visual_rating GLU Version 1.2 GLU Extensions Direct Rendering False Double Buffer True Stereo False RGBA True Color Index Size -1 Red Size 4 Green Size 4 Blue Size 4 Alpha Size 0 Accum Red Size 16 Accum Green Size 16 Accum Blue Size 16 Accum Alpha Size 0 Depth Size 24 Stencil Size 4 Auxiliary Buffer Count 0 Frame BufferLevel 0 Visual ID 0X26 Visual Class TrueColor Window Width (pixels) 1248 Window Height (pixels) 960 Screen Width (pixels) 1280 Screen Height (pixels) 1024 Display hpspg126:0.0 OpenGL Server Vendor HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY OpenGL Server Version 1.2 Release 1 OpenGL Server Extensions GLX_EXT_visual_info GLX_EXT_visual_rating GLX Server Version 1.2 GLX Server Extensions GLX_EXT_visual_info GLX_EXT_visual_rating Screen Number 0 Shared Memory Connection False Visual Selection Criteria MINIMUM Number of Execution Threads 1 Geometry File box Input Mode -qd Minimum Test Period 0.000000 Number of Frames 100 Number of Primitives 281182 Number of Vertices per Frame 1124728 Number of Vertices per Primitive 4.000000 Toggle Mode NONE Batching Count 30 Render Mode QUAD Color per COLOR_PER_VERTEX Orthographic Projection FALSE Display List FALSE Vertex Array (OpenGL1.1) FALSE Interleaved Data FALSE Clip Geometry FALSE Walkthrough Mode TRUE Back Face Cull FALSE Front Face Cull FALSE Front Polygon Mode FILL Back Polygon Mode FILL Polygon Stipple Enable FALSE Polygon Antialiasing Enable FALSE Line Width 1.000000 Line Stipple Enable FALSE Line Antialiasing Enable FALSE Number of Infinite Lights 0 Number of Local Lights 0 Color Material Enable FALSE Color Material Face FRONT Color Material Mode AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE Facet Normals FALSE Two Sided Lighting Enable FALSE Local Viewer Enable FALSE Flat Shading FALSE Fog Enable FALSE Normal Normalization FALSE Texture Enable FALSE TexObj Enable FALSE Texture Generation Mode NO_TEXTURE_GENERATION Texture File NONE Texture Minification Filter NEAREST Texture Magnification Filter NEAREST Texture Environment Mode DECAL Texture Components 3 Depth Test Enable TRUE Blend Enable FALSE Source Blend Function SRC_ALPHA Destination Blend Function ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA Dithering Enable TRUE Motion Blur Amount 0.000000 Full Scene Antialiasing Redraws 0 Full Scene Antialiasing Jitter Amount 0.000000 Number of frames run: 100, Test period: 22.690001 (sec) 4.41 frames/sec -- -qd box -rm QUAD -nf 100 -cp VERTEX -ir -zb -bt 30 -xws 1248 -yws 960 -vz -wt ============================================================= Viewset: Light-03 Test Number 3: Weight 25% Viewperf Version 6.1.1 Viewperf Arguments -qd parlment -rm LINE -cp VERTEX -wt -grab grab.scr Month 5 Day 21 Year 1999 Host hpspg126 Operating System HP-UX Operating System Version B.10.20 A Host Vendor Hewlett-Packard Host Model 9000/785/B1000 Host CPU unknown Host CPU Count 1 Host Memory Size (MB) 128 Host Primary Cache Size (KB) unknown Host Secondary Cache Size (KB) unknown Window System X Window System V11 Driver Version libddvisxgl.1 (19990504.19404) OpenGL Vendor HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY OpenGL Version 1.1 Revision 1.11 OpenGL Extensions GL_EXT_vertex_array GL_EXT_polygon_offset GL_EXT_blend_logic_op GL_EXT_texture GL_EXT_copy_texture GL_EXT_subtexture GL_EXT_texture_object GL_EXT_generate_mipmap GL_EXT_rescale_normal GL_HP_draw_array_set GL_HP_occlusion_test GL_HP_texture_lighting GL_EXT_texture_border_clamp GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp GL_EXT_shadow GL_EXT_texture3D GL_HP_depth_texture GL_HP_visibility_test OpenGL Renderer libddvisxgl OpenGL Client Vendor HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY OpenGL Client Version 1.2 Release 1 OpenGL Client Extensions GLX_EXT_visual_info GLX_EXT_visual_rating GLU Version 1.2 GLU Extensions Direct Rendering False Double Buffer True Stereo False RGBA True Color Index Size -1 Red Size 4 Green Size 4 Blue Size 4 Alpha Size 0 Accum Red Size 16 Accum Green Size 16 Accum Blue Size 16 Accum Alpha Size 0 Depth Size 24 Stencil Size 4 Auxiliary Buffer Count 0 Frame BufferLevel 0 Visual ID 0X26 Visual Class TrueColor Window Width (pixels) 700 Window Height (pixels) 700 Screen Width (pixels) 1280 Screen Height (pixels) 1024 Display hpspg126:0.0 OpenGL Server Vendor HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY OpenGL Server Version 1.2 Release 1 OpenGL Server Extensions GLX_EXT_visual_info GLX_EXT_visual_rating GLX Server Version 1.2 GLX Server Extensions GLX_EXT_visual_info GLX_EXT_visual_rating Screen Number 0 Shared Memory Connection False Visual Selection Criteria MINIMUM Number of Execution Threads 1 Geometry File parlment Input Mode -qd Minimum Test Period 0.000000 Number of Frames 100 Number of Primitives 450029 Number of Vertices per Frame 1800116 Number of Vertices per Primitive 4.000000 Toggle Mode NONE Batching Count 0 Render Mode LINE Color per COLOR_PER_VERTEX Orthographic Projection FALSE Display List FALSE Vertex Array (OpenGL1.1) FALSE Interleaved Data FALSE Clip Geometry FALSE Walkthrough Mode TRUE Back Face Cull FALSE Front Face Cull FALSE Front Polygon Mode FILL Back Polygon Mode FILL Polygon Stipple Enable FALSE Polygon Antialiasing Enable FALSE Line Width 1.000000 Line Stipple Enable FALSE Line Antialiasing Enable FALSE Number of Infinite Lights 0 Number of Local Lights 0 Color Material Enable FALSE Color Material Face FRONT Color Material Mode AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE Facet Normals FALSE Two Sided Lighting Enable FALSE Local Viewer Enable FALSE Flat Shading FALSE Fog Enable FALSE Normal Normalization FALSE Texture Enable FALSE TexObj Enable FALSE Texture Generation Mode NO_TEXTURE_GENERATION Texture File NONE Texture Minification Filter NEAREST Texture Magnification Filter NEAREST Texture Environment Mode DECAL Texture Components 3 Depth Test Enable FALSE Blend Enable FALSE Source Blend Function SRC_ALPHA Destination Blend Function ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA Dithering Enable TRUE Motion Blur Amount 0.000000 Full Scene Antialiasing Redraws 0 Full Scene Antialiasing Jitter Amount 0.000000 Number of frames run: 100, Test period: 45.330002 (sec) 2.21 frames/sec -- -qd parlment -rm LINE -nf 100 -cp VERTEX -ir -wt ============================================================= Viewset: Light-03 Test Number 4: Weight 25% Viewperf Version 6.1.1 Viewperf Arguments -qd parlment -rm QUAD -cp VERTEX -zb -bt 30 -xws 1248 -yws 960 -wt -grab grab.scr Month 5 Day 21 Year 1999 Host hpspg126 Operating System HP-UX Operating System Version B.10.20 A Host Vendor Hewlett-Packard Host Model 9000/785/B1000 Host CPU unknown Host CPU Count 1 Host Memory Size (MB) 128 Host Primary Cache Size (KB) unknown Host Secondary Cache Size (KB) unknown Window System X Window System V11 Driver Version libddvisxgl.1 (19990504.19404) OpenGL Vendor HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY OpenGL Version 1.1 Revision 1.11 OpenGL Extensions GL_EXT_vertex_array GL_EXT_polygon_offset GL_EXT_blend_logic_op GL_EXT_texture GL_EXT_copy_texture GL_EXT_subtexture GL_EXT_texture_object GL_EXT_generate_mipmap GL_EXT_rescale_normal GL_HP_draw_array_set GL_HP_occlusion_test GL_HP_texture_lighting GL_EXT_texture_border_clamp GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp GL_EXT_shadow GL_EXT_texture3D GL_HP_depth_texture GL_HP_visibility_test OpenGL Renderer libddvisxgl OpenGL Client Vendor HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY OpenGL Client Version 1.2 Release 1 OpenGL Client Extensions GLX_EXT_visual_info GLX_EXT_visual_rating GLU Version 1.2 GLU Extensions Direct Rendering False Double Buffer True Stereo False RGBA True Color Index Size -1 Red Size 4 Green Size 4 Blue Size 4 Alpha Size 0 Accum Red Size 16 Accum Green Size 16 Accum Blue Size 16 Accum Alpha Size 0 Depth Size 24 Stencil Size 4 Auxiliary Buffer Count 0 Frame BufferLevel 0 Visual ID 0X26 Visual Class TrueColor Window Width (pixels) 1248 Window Height (pixels) 960 Screen Width (pixels) 1280 Screen Height (pixels) 1024 Display hpspg126:0.0 OpenGL Server Vendor HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY OpenGL Server Version 1.2 Release 1 OpenGL Server Extensions GLX_EXT_visual_info GLX_EXT_visual_rating GLX Server Version 1.2 GLX Server Extensions GLX_EXT_visual_info GLX_EXT_visual_rating Screen Number 0 Shared Memory Connection False Visual Selection Criteria MINIMUM Number of Execution Threads 1 Geometry File parlment Input Mode -qd Minimum Test Period 0.000000 Number of Frames 100 Number of Primitives 450029 Number of Vertices per Frame 1800116 Number of Vertices per Primitive 4.000000 Toggle Mode NONE Batching Count 30 Render Mode QUAD Color per COLOR_PER_VERTEX Orthographic Projection FALSE Display List FALSE Vertex Array (OpenGL1.1) FALSE Interleaved Data FALSE Clip Geometry FALSE Walkthrough Mode TRUE Back Face Cull FALSE Front Face Cull FALSE Front Polygon Mode FILL Back Polygon Mode FILL Polygon Stipple Enable FALSE Polygon Antialiasing Enable FALSE Line Width 1.000000 Line Stipple Enable FALSE Line Antialiasing Enable FALSE Number of Infinite Lights 0 Number of Local Lights 0 Color Material Enable FALSE Color Material Face FRONT Color Material Mode AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE Facet Normals FALSE Two Sided Lighting Enable FALSE Local Viewer Enable FALSE Flat Shading FALSE Fog Enable FALSE Normal Normalization FALSE Texture Enable FALSE TexObj Enable FALSE Texture Generation Mode NO_TEXTURE_GENERATION Texture File NONE Texture Minification Filter NEAREST Texture Magnification Filter NEAREST Texture Environment Mode DECAL Texture Components 3 Depth Test Enable TRUE Blend Enable FALSE Source Blend Function SRC_ALPHA Destination Blend Function ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA Dithering Enable TRUE Motion Blur Amount 0.000000 Full Scene Antialiasing Redraws 0 Full Scene Antialiasing Jitter Amount 0.000000 Number of frames run: 100, Test period: 37.490002 (sec) 2.67 frames/sec -- -qd parlment -rm QUAD -nf 100 -cp VERTEX -ir -zb -bt 30 -xws 1248 -yws 960 -vz -wt =============================================================