Graphics Hardware Configuration System Hardware Configuration Software Configuration
Graphics Accelerator HP VISUALIZE fx6+ Processor Type Intel Pentium III Xeon 550MHz Operating System Microsoft Windows NT Version 4.0 (Build 1381: Service Pack 4)
Total Graphics Memory 50 Mb Number of CPUs 2 O/S Type Windows NT
Image Buffer 24+24 bits Floating Point Integral Compiler Name Microsoft Visual C
Overlay/Underlay Buffer 8/0 bits Primary Cache (KB) 16/16 I/D each Compiler Version 5.0
Depth Buffer 24 bits Secondary Cache (KB) 512 each Window System Win32
Stencil Buffer 4 bits Tertiary Cache (KB) 0 OpenGL Version 1.1 HP-NT 1.2
Accumulation Buffer 48 bits Memory (MB) 128 OpenGL Renderer hpvisfxtm
Auxiliary Buffer 0 bits Disk (MB) 9000 OpenGL Vendor Hewlett-Packard
Other Buffer 0 bits Driver Version FX.00.01.16
Display List Memory Virtual Memory Viewperf Version 6.1.1
Texture Memory 32Mb Texture Cache + Virtual Memory Viewperf Executable viewperf61.exe (standard)
Display Manufacturer/Model HP A4575A Comments
Display Resolution 1280x1024 Maximum Performance Mode set via display configuration applet (turns on Fast Buffer Swaps, Color Recovery and Object Space Lighting)
Display Size/Type 19 inch/Color
Display Refresh Rate 60Hz
Swap on Vertical Retrace No

Price $9,975 (as of 7/99) (list) (includes monitor)
Test Date6/99
General Availability6/99
Submitted byHewlett-Packard

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