Sun Ultra 10 Model 333
Creator3D series 3


Graphics Hardware Configuration System Hardware Configuration Software Configuration
Graphics Accelerator Creator3D series 3 Processor Type 333MHz UltraSPARC-IIi Operating System Solaris 7
Total Graphics Memory 15 MB Number of CPUs 1 O/S Type Unix
Image Buffer 24+24 bits Floating Point Integral Compiler Name SPARCcompiler
Overlay/Underlay Buffer 8/0 bits (shared with window planes) Primary Cache (KB) 16/16 (D/I) Compiler Version 5.0
Depth Buffer 28 bits Secondary Cache (KB) 2048 (D+I) Window System X Windows System V11
Stencil Buffer 4 bits Tertiary Cache (KB) 0 OpenGL Version 1.1.2
Accumulation Buffer 0 bits Memory (MB) 128 OpenGL Renderer Creator3D
Auxiliary Buffer 0 bits Disk (MB) 9100 OpenGL Vendor Sun Microsystems
Other Buffer 8 bits Driver Version
Display List Memory Virtual Memory Viewperf Version 6.1.1
Texture Memory Virtual Memory Viewperf Executable viewperf611.sun
Display Manufacturer/Model Bundled Comments
Display Resolution 1280x1024 System tested with environment variable: OGL_NO_VBLANK=1
Display Size/Type 17-inch/Color
Display Refresh Rate 76Hz
Swap on Vertical Retrace No

Price $5875 List (includes monitor)
Test Date5/99
General Availability5/21/99
Submitted bySun Microsystems

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