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SPECopc Benchmarks
By downloading any of the following benchmarks, you acknowledge that you have read, understand, and agree to abide by the terms of the SPECopc License Agreement.

Please note that our FTP sites are very busy, which may result in errors initiating the download. If you encounter an error, please try one of the mirrors. If errors are still encountered, please try again in a few minutes. There have been reports of file corruption when using download accelerators/managers; please check the file size of your download on disk against the file sizes posted here, or use the MD5 checksums available from the download directories.

SPECviewperf® 8.1

      SPECviewperf 8.1
      Download for Microsoft Windows .exe file
    434,911,502 bytes 

    This is the full distribution of SPECviewperf® 8.1 for Windows.

      SPECviewperf 8.1
      Download for UNIX
    .tar.gz file
    431,350,477 bytes 

    This is the full distribution of SPECviewperf® 8.1 for Unix platforms.

Previous SPECopcSM Benchmarks

SPECapc Benchmarks
By downloading any of the following benchmarks, you acknowledge that you have read, understand, and agree to abide by the terms of the SPECapc License Agreement.

SPECapcSM for 3ds max 7

     Download for Microsoft Windows .exe file 11,897,207 bytes

SPECapcSM for Maya® 6.5

     Download for Microsoft Windows .zip file 130,471,179 bytes 

SPECapcSM for Pro/ENGINEER™ Wildfire 2.0

     Download for Microsoft Windows .exe file 303,174,706 bytes 

SPECapcSM for Pro/ENGINEER™ 2001

     Download for Microsoft Windows .zip file 304,049,160 bytes 
     Download for UNIX .tar.gz file 303,280,622 bytes 

    Last updated: 08/23/2002 - The original SPECapc for Pro/ENGINEER 2001 benchmark posted on this site contained a minor bug that affected the accuracy of results. This version corrects that error. The previous version should not be used for performance evaluation. For those that have already downloaded the orginal version, a small patch file (download size = 61,005 bytes) is available; read the README file for more information.

SPECapcSM for Solid Edge V14

     Download for Microsoft Windows .zip file 503,732,488 bytes 

SPECapcSM for SolidWorks 2005™

     Download for Microsoft Windows .msi file 137,410,048 bytes 

SPECapcSM for UGS NX 3™

     Download for Microsoft Windows .exe file 340,966,386 bytes 
Previous SPECapcSM Benchmarks