Xmark93 Benchmark Report
© Copyright 1996, Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation

Sun SPARCstation 20 Model 71 TurboGXplusXmark93 = 8.84
Hardware Configuration (as tested) Test Date: 08/95
Processor Type 75MHz SuperSPARC II List Price (as of 9/3/96): $18,495 (includes monitor)
# of CPUs 1
Floating Point Integrated Benchmark Notes
Primary Cache 16/20 KB (D/I) System State Single User
Secondary Cache 1 MB (D+I) X11perf Version 1.3
Memory 32 MB Xmark Version 1.15
Graphics Identification TurboGXplus
Image Planes 8 Comments
Display Manufacturer/Model Bundled  
Display Resolution 1280x1024
Display Size/Type 20-inch/color
Display Refresh Rate 76 Hz
Type of System Workstation
X Server Software Configuration (as tested)
Operating System Solaris 2.4
X Window Server OpenWindows Version 3.4
X Visual Depth/Class 8/PseudoColor
Client System as Tested
Processor Type same as above Operating System same as above
Number of CPU's same as above X Window Server same as above
Floating Point same as above X Transport Shared Memory Transport
Primary Cache same as above
Secondary Cache same as above
Memory same as above
Network none

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