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Class spec.harness.About


public class About
This class is used to display the information about the people who contributed for developing SpecJVMClient98

Constructor Index

 o About(String, AppletContext)
 o About(String, AppletContext, int, int, long)
Constructor which also takes the size, sleep time.

Method Index

 o action(Event, Object)
Call back function called when the user presses 'OK' button
 o paint(Graphics)
Paints the window
 o run()
Run method for the thread.
 o setRunner(Thread)
Sets the runner parameter


 o About
 public About(String base,
              AppletContext context)
Constructor. Calls the constructor with size and sleep time information.

base - Location from which the images can be read
context - AppletContext.
 o About
 public About(String base,
              AppletContext context,
              int width,
              int height,
              long ms)
Constructor which also takes the size, sleep time.

base - Location from which the images can be read
contdxt - AppletContext
width - Width of the window
height - height of the window
ms - Sleep time in milliseconds


 o action
 public boolean action(Event evt,
                       Object arg)
Call back function called when the user presses 'OK' button

 o paint
 public void paint(Graphics g)
Paints the window

Handle - to the graphics context
 o run
 public void run()
Run method for the thread.

 o setRunner
 public void setRunner(Thread runner)
Sets the runner parameter

runner - Thread object, which displays the images

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