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Class spec.harness.ConsoleWindow


public class ConsoleWindow
This windows is used to display the trace from the benchmark in a seperate window, instead of displaying it in the stdout. This class extends the Frame and has a TextArea where the benchmark trace is shown. The Windows can be enabled and disabled using the Console on/off button available in the Applet.

See Also:
TextArea, Frame

Constructor Index

 o ConsoleWindow()

Method Index

 o append(String)
Append some data to the text area.
 o handleEvent(Event)
Handle event.
 o show()
Shows the window.


 o ConsoleWindow
 public ConsoleWindow()


 o show
 public void show()
Shows the window. This method overrides the show of the parent Frame class. If the is window is displayed for the firsttime, the size is made to activate the window.

 o append
 public void append(String data)
Append some data to the text area.

 o handleEvent
 public boolean handleEvent(Event evt)
Handle event. The Window_Destroy message is handled in this method. The Frame is not created and disposed every time the user reqests for console on and console off, it is just shown or hiden. When the user kills the console window, it is just hiden.

See Also:

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