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Class spec.harness.ProgramRunner


public class ProgramRunner
This class is derived from java.lang.Thread. The benchmark is started in a seperate thread. The benchmark implements a method harnessMain(). The run method of the Programmer runner calls the harnessMain() of the class that it dynamically creates, given its name.

Variable Index

 o createValidityCheckFiles
SpecJava can be run as application to create the validity files.
 o ThreadPriority
This value represents the priority with which the thread has to be created.

Constructor Index

 o ProgramRunner(String, String[], boolean, BenchmarkDone, char, int, int, int, int, boolean, boolean)
Overloaded constructor for the class.

Method Index

 o run()
The overloaded run method of the benchmark.
 o stopBenchmark()
This function is called when the user presses the 'Stop' button during the executionof the benchmark.


 o ThreadPriority
 public static int ThreadPriority
This value represents the priority with which the thread has to be created.

 o createValidityCheckFiles
 public static boolean createValidityCheckFiles
SpecJava can be run as application to create the validity files. This flags indicates whether SpecJVMClient98 is being run in the "Generating Validity file mode"


 o ProgramRunner
 public ProgramRunner(String className,
                      String args[],
                      boolean autoRun,
                      BenchmarkDone parent,
                      char defaultValidityCheckValue,
                      int percentTimes100,
                      int automin,
                      int automax,
                      int autodelay,
                      boolean autogc,
                      boolean checksum)
Overloaded constructor for the class.

className - The classname of the benchmark being run
args - arguments for the benchmark
autoRun - The flag representing the autorun selection of the user
parent - The parent of the thread.
defaultValidityCheckValue - The default prefix value that has to be added to the trace
percentTimes100 - percentage run of the benchmark


 o run
 public void run()
The overloaded run method of the benchmark. This method just set the thread priority. and calls the runBenchmark method

 o stopBenchmark
 public void stopBenchmark()
This function is called when the user presses the 'Stop' button during the executionof the benchmark.

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