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Class spec.harness.ReportFrame


public class ReportFrame
This class represents the Frame window which displays the run results. User has options to display the results in the full or brief format. The results (full) can be sent to the specified email id entered in the setup window by pressing the send button in this window

Constructor Index

 o ReportFrame(Hashtable, SpecProps, String, boolean)
Constructor for the ReportFrame.

Method Index

 o handleEvent(Event)
This method is called when the operator presses on any of the Send, Full buttons or closes this window.
 o show()
Shows the Window.


 o ReportFrame
 public ReportFrame(Hashtable runResults,
                    SpecProps props,
                    String srvName,
                    boolean interactive)
Constructor for the ReportFrame.

runResults - Run results of the benchmark
props - Spec properties. Information about the JVM vendor. Client machine properties.


 o show
 public synchronized void show()
Shows the Window. SpecJava can be run in the non-interactive mode. In the non-interactive mode, the report is automatically sent after finishing the benchmark suite

 o handleEvent
 public boolean handleEvent(Event event)
This method is called when the operator presses on any of the Send, Full buttons or closes this window.

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