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Class spec.harness.TuningNotes


public class TuningNotes
This class provices a way by which user can enter some observations made during the execution of the benchmark. These observations will be mad a part of the mail sent at the end of the test.

Constructor Index

 o TuningNotes(String)
Constructor for the Tuning notes object.

Method Index

 o action(Event, Object)
Callback routinue to handle the Button presses of the user
 o show()
Shows the dialog box.
 o toSingleLine()


 o TuningNotes
 public TuningNotes(String path)
Constructor for the Tuning notes object. Creates the windows for editing the tuning notes.


 o action
 public boolean action(Event evt,
                       Object arg)
Callback routinue to handle the Button presses of the user

 o show
 public void show()
Shows the dialog box. Set the Text area string before displaying the dialog

 o toSingleLine
 public String toSingleLine()

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