      Copyright (C) 2007-2024 Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation      

Nettrix R620 G50                                                               
SPECpower_ssj2008 = 10,749 overall ssj_ops/watt                                
            Test Sponsor:  Nettrix                                             
          SPEC License #:  6138                                                
               Tested By:  Nettrix                                             
           Test Location:  Tianjin,China                                       
               Test Date:  Sep 25, 2024                                        
             Publication:  Oct 29, 2024                                        
   Hardware Availability:  Nov-2023                                            
   Software Availability:  Jan-2024                                            
             Test Method:  Single Node                                         
           System Source:  Single Supplier                                     
      System Designation:  Server                                              
      Power Provisioning:  Line-powered                                        

                           Benchmark Results Summary                           

                 Performance                  |     Power     |  Performance 
                                              |               |   to Power   
                                              |               |     Ratio    
 Target Load  |  Actual Load  |    ssj_ops    |    Average    |              
              |               |               | Active Power  |              
              |               |               |      (W)      |              
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
         100% |        100.0% |     9,614,604 |           838 |        11,471
          90% |         89.9% |     8,646,763 |           730 |        11,839
          80% |         79.9% |     7,683,566 |           636 |        12,072
          70% |         70.1% |     6,737,399 |           573 |        11,761
          60% |         59.9% |     5,760,555 |           509 |        11,325
          50% |         50.0% |     4,803,926 |           428 |        11,219
          40% |         40.0% |     3,841,188 |           351 |        10,936
          30% |         30.0% |     2,885,850 |           293 |         9,862
          20% |         19.9% |     1,916,791 |           244 |         7,841
          10% |         10.0% |       961,714 |           207 |         4,635
                  Active Idle |             0 |           106 |             0
                              sum of ssj_ops / sum of power = |        10,749

                               System Under Test                               

                                  Set: 'sut'                                   

                  Set Identifier:  sut                                         
                 Set Description:  System Under Test                           
            # of Identical Nodes:  1                                           
                         Comment:  None                                        

                 Hardware Vendor:  Nettrix                                     
                           Model:  R620 G50                                    
                     Form Factor:  2U                                          
                        CPU Name:  Intel Xeon Platinum 8562Y+                  
             CPU Characteristics:  32-Core,2.8GHz,60MB L3 Cache                
             CPU Frequency (MHz):  2800                                        
                  CPU(s) Enabled:  64 cores, 2 chips, 32 cores/chip            
                Hardware Threads:  128 (2 / core)                              
                CPU(s) Orderable:  1,2 chips                                   
                   Primary Cache:  32 KB I + 48 KB D on chip per core          
                 Secondary Cache:  2 MB I+D on chip per chip                   
                  Tertiary Cache:  60 MB I+D on chip per chip                  
                     Other Cache:  None                                        
              Memory Amount (GB):  512                                         
              # and size of DIMM:  16 x 32 GB                                  
                  Memory Details:  16 x 32GB 2Rx8 PC4-4800B-R; slots 0, 2, 4,  
                                   6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28
                                   and 30 populated                            
 Power Supply Quantity and Rating  1 x 1300                                    
            Power Supply Details:  GW-CRPS1300D2 1300W; P/N 96007295           
                      Disk Drive:  1 x 1920GB SAMSUNG NVMe SSD; P/N            
                 Disk Controller:  Integrated PCIe controller                  
  # and type of Network Interface  1 x 10000BASE-T OCP with 4x RJ45 ports      
          Cards (NICs) Installed:                                              
  NICs Enabled in Firmware / OS /  4/4/1                                       
            Network Speed (Mbit):  10000                                       
                        Keyboard:  None                                        
                           Mouse:  None                                        
                         Monitor:  None                                        
                  Optical Drives:  No                                          
                  Other Hardware:  None                                        

                Power Management:  Enabled(See SUT Notes)                      
           Operating System (OS):  Microsoft Windows Server 2022 Datacenter    
                      OS Version:  Version 21H2 (OS Build 20348.169)           
                      Filesystem:  NTFS                                        
                      JVM Vendor:  Oracle Corporation                          
                     JVM Version:  Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 18.9      
                                   (build 11.0.20+9-LTS-256, mixed mode)       
        JVM Command-line Options:  -server -Xmn1650m -Xms1800m -Xmx1800m       
                                   -XX:FreqInlineSize=2500 -XX:+UseLargePages  
                                   -XX:+UseParallelOldGC -XX:UseAVX=0          
                    JVM Affinity:  Each JVM instance was affinitized a physical
                   JVM Instances:  64                                          
           JVM Initial Heap (MB):  1800                                        
           JVM Maximum Heap (MB):  1800                                        
                JVM Address Bits:  64                                          
           Boot Firmware Version:  NNH1041268                                  
     Management Firmware Version:  1.51.0                                      
                Workload Version:  SSJ 1.2.10                                  
               Director Location:  Controller                                  
                  Other Software:  None                                        

                            Boot Firmware Settings                             

* Application Profile: Energy Efficient Mode                                   
* USB Support: All USB Ports Disabled                                          
* Memory Patrol Scrubbing: Disabled                                            
* Memory Bus Frequency: 2400 MHz                                               
* Intel Turbo Boost Technology: Disabled                                       
* Energy Performance Bias: Balanced Power                                      
* NUMA Group Size Optimization: Clustered                                      
* Intel Performance Monitoring Support: Disabled                               
* Sub-NUMA Clustering: Enabled SNC2 (2-clusters)                               
* HW Prefetcher: Disabled                                                      
* Adjacent Sector Prefetch: Disabled                                           
* DCU Stream Prefetcher: Disabled                                              
* XPT Prefetcher: Enabled                                                      

                         Management Firmware Settings                          


                            System Under Test Notes                            

* Using the local security settings console.                                   
* Lock pages in memory was enabled for the user running the benchmark.         
* The system ROM used for this result contains Intel microcode version         
0x21000200 for the Intel Xeon Gold 8562Y+ processor.                           

                               Controller System                               

                 Hardware Vendor:  Nettrix                                     
                           Model:  R620 G30                                    
                 CPU Description:  Intel Xeon Gold 5120                        
              Memory amount (GB):  64                                          

           Operating System (OS):  Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard             
                      JVM Vendor:  Oracle Corporation                          
                     JVM Version:  Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build    
                                   17.0.1+12-LTS-39, mixed mode, sharing)      
                     CCS Version:  1.2.6                                       

                              Measurement Devices                              

                              POWER ANALYZER PWR1                              
                 Hardware Vendor:  YOKOGAWA                                    
                           Model:  WT310EH                                     
                   Serial Number:  C3D11036E                                   
                    Connectivity:  Ethernet                                    
                Input Connection:  Default                                     
             Metrology Institute:  CETC                                        
                   Accredited by:  Calibration Laboratory of CETC              
               Calibration Label:  A2012018                                    
             Date of Calibration:  27-Mar-2024                                 
            PTDaemon Host System:  same as CCS                                 
                PTDaemon Host OS:  same as CCS                                 
                PTDaemon Version:  1.11.0-a4047d62-20231205                    
               Setup Description:  Attach to SUT Power Supplier Unit 1         

                           TEMPERATURE SENSOR TEMP1                            
                 Hardware Vendor:  iButton Link Technology                     
                           Model:  iButton Link T-Sense/T-Probe                
                  Driver Version:                                   
                    Connectivity:  USB2Serial                                  
            PTDaemon Host System:  same as CCS                                 
                PTDaemon Host OS:  same as CCS                                 
               Setup Description:  10mm in front of SUT main airflow intake    



                  Aggregate Electrical and Environmental Data                  

Target Load |  Average   |    Minimum   
            |   Active   |    Ambient   
            | Power (W)  |  Temperature 
            |            |  (Degrees C) 
----------- | ---------- | -------------
       100% |        838 |          28.9
        90% |        730 |          29.2
        80% |        636 |          28.9
        70% |        573 |          28.9
        60% |        509 |          28.8
        50% |        428 |          28.6
        40% |        351 |          28.7
        30% |        293 |          28.6
        20% |        244 |          28.5
        10% |        207 |          28.4
Active Idle |        106 |          28.3

      Line Standard       |     Minimum     |  Elevation (m) 
                          |   Temperature   |                
                          |   (Degrees C)   |                
------------------------- | --------------- | ---------------
230V / 50 Hz / 1 phase /  |            28.3 |              50
         1 wire           |                 |                

See the Power/Temperature Details Report                                       
(power_ssj2008-20240928-01463-power.txt) for additional details.               

                          Aggregate Performance Data                           

   Target Load    |    Actual Load    |                ssj_ops               
                  |                   |      Target       |      Actual      
----------------- | ----------------- | ----------------- | -----------------
    Calibration 1 |                   |                   |         9,624,420
    Calibration 2 |                   |                   |         9,611,567
    Calibration 3 |                   |                   |         9,615,180
             100% |            100.0% |         9,613,374 |         9,614,604
              90% |             89.9% |         8,652,036 |         8,646,763
              80% |             79.9% |         7,690,699 |         7,683,566
              70% |             70.1% |         6,729,362 |         6,737,399
              60% |             59.9% |         5,768,024 |         5,760,555
              50% |             50.0% |         4,806,687 |         4,803,926
              40% |             40.0% |         3,845,349 |         3,841,188
              30% |             30.0% |         2,884,012 |         2,885,850
              20% |             19.9% |         1,922,675 |         1,916,791
              10% |             10.0% |           961,337 |           961,714
      Active Idle |                   |                 0 |                 0

See the Host Performance Report                                                
(power_ssj2008-20240928-01463.WIN-8VUURCG8J8L.txt) for additional details.     

      Copyright (C) 2007-2024 Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation      
                      http://www.spec.org - info@spec.org                      
         SPECpower_ssj2008 Reporter Version: [SSJ 1.2.10, May 9, 2012]