Setting up Parameters for Measurements

Setting up Common Parameters

Common parameters are specified under common section in HOMEDIR/osgcloud/driver/osgcloud_rules.yaml file.

Results Directory

By default, results are stored in:

results_dir: HOMEDIR/results

where HOMEDIR is parsed by the baseline and elasticity+scalability drivers to the home directory of the Linux user.

The results are grouped by RUNID as defined in:


where MYFIRSTRUN indicates the run id.

NTP Time Server

By default, NTP server of all instances is benchmark harness machine. It is highly recommended to use an NTP server that is hosted on a machine other than benchmark harness. The NTP server can be configured by uncommenting the following parameter, and providing NTP servers as a comma separated list:


Note that there is no space between comma and NTP server hostnames.

Provision Retries

The time to provision an instance can vary across your cloud. The following two parameters determine how long CBTOOL should wait before declaring a VM creation as unsuccessful:

    update_attempts: 60
    update_frequency: 5

update_frequency defines how often CBTOOL checks that a VM is successfully provisioned. update_attempts determine how many attempts CBTOOL makes every update_frequency seconds to determine that a VM is successfully provisioned. A VM is successfully provisioned if it is SSHable.

Login User for Instances

vm_templates determine the image name for workloads used in your cloud. The login parameter determines the Linux user name for the image:

    CASSANDRA: login=cbuser, remote_dir_name=cbtool
    SEED: login=cbuser, remote_dir_name=cbtool
    YCSB: login=cbuser, remote_dir_name=cbtool
    HADOOPMASTER: login=cbuser, remote_dir_name=cbtool
    HADOOPSLAVE: login=cbuser, remote_dir_name=cbtool

[For development] The workload images on SPEC miami repository (available only to SPEC members) have been configured with ‘cbuser’ as the Linux user.

Setting Up Supporting Evidence Parameters

Support evidence section is under support_evidence in HOMEDIR/osgcloud/driver/osgcloud_rules.yaml file.

The default parameters assume that the user name in your workload images is cbuser, support evidence directory is in HOMEDIR/results/EXPID/instance_evidence_dir , and osgcloud is in HOMEDIR/osgcloud:

instance_user: cbuser
instance_keypath: HOMEDIR/osgcloud/cbtool/credentials/cbtool_rsa
support_evidence_dir: HOMEDIR/support
support_script: HOMEDIR/osgcloud/driver/support_script/
cloud_config_script_dir: HOMEDIR/osgcloud/driver/support_script/cloud_config/

For a valid run, VM supporting evidence should be collected. This is set as follows:

instance_support_evidence: true
host_support_evidence: false

If you do not want to collect supporting evidence while you are testing various phases of the benchmark, you can set the instance_support_evidence flag to false.