Research Use
The run rules make provisions for
research use where the rules for reporting SPECjvm98 metrics may not
all be followed. The reporting of any such results is strictly regulated,
and in no case may any derivative metrics be defined based on the SPEC
benchmarks or tool harness.
Execution Modes
The benchmark tool harness provides for several different execution modes.
Some of the non run rule compliant modes may be of interest to those
studying particular aspects of Java performance.
As an applet loaded from a web server (http://). This is the execuction
mode used for producing reportable metrics.
As an applet loaded from a local file system (file://)
Typically you would use a web browser's button or command to
open file and select SpecApplet.html from a locally
installed copy of the benchmark suite.
A common problem associated with this mode is that the web
browser's security manager may not allow the applet access to the
file system.
When evaluating results from your tests, keep in mind the difference
in speed between local disk and that of your network, and how much
work the security manager is doing verifying class files. Class files
loaded from local disk may be considered more trustworthy, and
requiring fewer security restrictions, than those loaded over the
As an applet loaded from a remotely mounted file system (file:///net/)
Functionally, this is just like loading from the local file system
As an application
From the command line, change into the directory where you installed
the benchmark suite and execute SpecApplication. Be sure that you
have the top level benchmark directory included in your CLASSPATH. If
you are using UNIX and the Bourne (sh), Korn (ksh), or similar shell,
you can do this with the shrc file. E.g.,
cd top_level_directory
. ./shrc
java -mx32m SpecApplication
You can also use the scripts (UNIX) or
RUN.BAT (Windows) which attempt to find your Java command
and to set your CLASSPATH appropriately. You can modify these scripts
for your own needs.
Be sure you don't set your CLASSPATH to load classes locally and
then attempt later to run as an applet from a web server. The
benchmarks will run, but will not comply with the run rules and so
the metrics will not be reportable. See Common Problems.
On many systems you may instead open the installation directory in a
graphical file browser and double click the icon labeled
When evaluating results from your tests, keep in mind the caveats
regarding running as an applet from a local disk. In addition,
consider any differences in security policy or runtime environment
which your system may make between applets and applications.
From the command line without GUI controls
Detailed instructions
When evaluating results from your tests, keep in mind the caveats
regarding running as an application above. In addition consider any
additional overhead that may be required to maintain (even an
inactive) graphical user interface. If you run benchmarks
individually, each in its own Java Virtual Machine, consider the
difference between the presence or absense of interaction between
consecutively executed programs.
Applet Parameters
A single parameter may be specified to the benchmark suite applet, which
specifies an alternate location for the user properties
file, instead of the default "props/user" relative to the
codebase. Then in that alternate user properties file you can specify
additional parameters to control benchmark operation. The property file is
specified for example as:
<applet code="SpecApplet.class" width=530 height=375>
<param name=properties
Interactive versus Batch
Normally the benchmarks are run in interactive mode so that you can control
their execution throught the graphic user interface. However, for use in
automated test environments it may be convenient to run them in batch mode
where there is no user interaction. To do this, set spec.initial.interactive to false, either
by editing the user properties file or by specifying an alternate user
properties file as described above. A compliant run will be performed and
the results will be automatically emailed to the address you specify in spec.testx.emailTo.
You may also run batch mode from the command
line by using the -b flag.
Programmers' Reference
For research use, you may wish to run your own programs in the SPEC tool
harness. The documentation below as well as the provided source code of
these benchmarks should help you fit programs into the harness. SPEC cannot
provide assistance for this activity.
Next topic: Common Problems