Dell Inc. PowerEdge XR8620T (Intel Xeon Gold 6421N, 1.80 GHz) ssj_ops@100% = 6,629,564
ssj_ops@100% per Host = 3,314,782
ssj_ops@100% per JVM = 103,587
Test Sponsor: Dell Inc. SPEC License #: 6573 Test Method: Multi Node
Tested By: Dell Inc. Test Location: Round Rock, TX, USA Test Date: Mar 11, 2023
Hardware Availability: May-2023 Software Availability: Aug-2022 Publication: Mar 29, 2023
System Source: Single Supplier System Designation: Server Power Provisioning: Line-powered
Benchmark Results Summary
Target Load Actual Load ssj_ops
Target Actual
Calibration 1     6,602,348
Calibration 2     6,647,031
Calibration 3     6,645,672
100% 99.7% 6,646,352 6,629,564
90% 90.0% 5,981,717 5,982,710
80% 79.9% 5,317,081 5,312,097
70% 70.0% 4,652,446 4,649,824
60% 60.1% 3,987,811 3,991,953
50% 50.0% 3,323,176 3,323,840
40% 40.0% 2,658,541 2,659,497
30% 30.0% 1,993,906 1,990,683
20% 20.0% 1,329,270 1,331,448
10% 10.0% 664,635 662,401
Active Idle   0 0
Graph of results
Aggregate SUT Data
# of Nodes # of Chips # of Cores # of Threads Total RAM (GB) # of OS Images # of JVM Instances
2 2 64 128 256 2 64
System Under Test
Shared Hardware
Shared Hardware
Enclosure: XR8000
Form Factor: 2U
Power Supply Quantity and Rating (W): 2 x 1400
Power Supply Details: 1400W, Dell p/n K3RY3
Network Switch: None
Network Switch Details: None
KVM Switch: None
KVM Switch Details: N/A
Other Hardware: None
Comment: None
Set: 'sut'
Set Identifier: sut
Set Description: System Under Test
# of Identical Nodes: 2
Comment: PowerEdge XR8620t
Hardware per Node
Hardware Vendor: Dell Inc.
Model: PowerEdge XR8620T (Intel Xeon Gold 6421N, 1.80 GHz)
Form Factor: 2U
CPU Name: Intel Xeon Gold 6421N
CPU Characteristics: 32-Core, 1.80GHz, 60MB L3 Cache
CPU Frequency (MHz): 1800
CPU(s) Enabled: 32 cores, 1 chip, 32 cores/chip
Hardware Threads: 64 (2 / core)
CPU(s) Orderable: 1 chips
Primary Cache: 32 KB I + 48 KB D on chip per core
Secondary Cache: 2 MB I+D on chip per core
Tertiary Cache: 60 MB I+D on chip per chip
Other Cache: None
Memory Amount (GB): 128
# and size of DIMM: 8 x 16 GB
Memory Details: 16GB 1Rx8 PC5-4800B-UA0. Slots A1-8 populated.
Power Supply Quantity and Rating (W): 2 x 1400
Power Supply Details: 1400W, Dell p/n K3RY3
Disk Drive: 1 x 480 GB SATA M.2 stick, Dell p/n 08M01
Disk Controller: BOSS controller card, Dell p/n DHFTR
# and type of Network Interface Cards (NICs) Installed: Onboard 1 x Dual Port Intel E810
NICs Enabled in Firmware / OS / Connected: 1/1/1
Network Speed (Mbit): 10000
Keyboard: None
Mouse: None
Monitor: None
Optical Drives: No
Other Hardware: None
Software per Node
Power Management: Power saver power plan enabled in OS
Operating System (OS): Microsoft Windows Server 2022 Standard 21H2
OS Version: 20348.1487
Filesystem: NTFS
JVM Vendor: Oracle Corporation
JVM Version: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 18.9 (build 11.0.17+10-LTS-269, mixed mode)
JVM Command-line Options: -server -Xms3328m -Xmx3584m -Xmn3584m -XX:SurvivorRatio=1 -XX:TargetSurvivorRatio=99 -XX:ParallelGCThreads=2 -XX:AllocatePrefetchDistance=256 -XX:AllocatePrefetchLines=4 -XX:LoopUnrollLimit=45 -XX:InitialTenuringThreshold=12 -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=15 -XX:InlineSmallCode=3900 -XX:MaxInlineSize=270 -XX:FreqInlineSize=2500 -XX:+UseLargePages -XX:+UseParallelOldGC -XX:UseAVX=0 -XX:-UseAdaptiveSizePolicy -XX:-ThreadLocalHandshakes
JVM Affinity: start /NODE [0,1] /AFFINITY [0x3,0xC,0x30,0xC0,0x300,0xC00,0x3000,0xC000,0x30000,0xC0000,0x300000,0xC00000,0x3000000,0xC000000,0x30000000,0xC0000000]
JVM Instances: 32
JVM Initial Heap (MB): 3584
JVM Maximum Heap (MB): 3584
JVM Address Bits: 64
Boot Firmware Version: 1.0.0
Management Firmware Version: (Build A00)
Workload Version: SSJ 1.2.10
Director Location: Controller
Other Software: N/A
Boot Firmware Settings
Management Firmware Settings
System Under Test Notes
Host Instance Summary
Host ssj_ops@100%
XR8600T-node2 3,311,736
XR8620T-node1 3,317,828
ssj_ops@100% 6,629,564
ssj_ops@100% per Host 3,314,782
ssj_ops@100% per JVM 103,587
Graph of per-host results
Host 'XR8600T-node2' Scores:
Target Load Actual Load ssj_ops
Target Actual
Calibration 1     3,298,375
Calibration 2     3,322,739
Calibration 3     3,321,443
100% 99.7% 3,322,091 3,311,736
90% 89.9% 2,989,882 2,987,628
80% 80.0% 2,657,673 2,656,668
70% 69.9% 2,325,463 2,323,017
60% 60.1% 1,993,254 1,996,442
50% 50.0% 1,661,045 1,661,303
40% 40.0% 1,328,836 1,329,258
30% 29.9% 996,627 994,329
20% 20.0% 664,418 665,301
10% 10.0% 332,209 332,121
Active Idle   0 0
Graph of results
Host 'XR8620T-node1' Scores:
Target Load Actual Load ssj_ops
Target Actual
Calibration 1     3,303,973
Calibration 2     3,324,292
Calibration 3     3,324,230
100% 99.8% 3,324,261 3,317,828
90% 90.1% 2,991,835 2,995,082
80% 79.9% 2,659,409 2,655,429
70% 70.0% 2,326,983 2,326,807
60% 60.0% 1,994,557 1,995,511
50% 50.0% 1,662,131 1,662,537
40% 40.0% 1,329,704 1,330,239
30% 30.0% 997,278 996,354
20% 20.0% 664,852 666,147
10% 9.9% 332,426 330,280
Active Idle   0 0
Graph of results