IEIT Systems Co., Ltd. NF5280M7 ssj_ops@100% = 134,760
Test Sponsor: IEIT Systems Co., Ltd. SPEC License #: 3358 Test Method: Single Node
Tested By: IEIT Systems Co., Ltd. Test Location: JINAN, CHINA Test Date: Apr 17, 2024
Hardware Availability: Apr-2024 Software Availability: Sep-2023 Publication: Jun 4, 2024
System Source: Single Supplier System Designation: Server Power Provisioning: Line-powered
Benchmark Results Summary
Target Load Actual Load ssj_ops
Target Actual
Calibration 1     136,722
Calibration 2     134,145
Calibration 3     136,082
100% 99.7% 135,114 134,760
90% 92.1% 121,602 124,405
80% 82.0% 108,091 110,775
70% 71.0% 94,579 95,955
60% 59.8% 81,068 80,849
50% 49.7% 67,557 67,101
40% 39.8% 54,045 53,746
30% 29.9% 40,534 40,332
20% 20.3% 27,023 27,367
10% 9.8% 13,511 13,299
Active Idle   0 0
Graph of results
System Under Test
Set: 'sut'
Set Identifier: sut
Set Description: System Under Test
# of Identical Nodes: 1
Comment: Single Node
Hardware Vendor: IEIT Systems Co., Ltd.
Model: NF5280M7
Form Factor: 2U
CPU Name: Intel Xeon Platinum 8592+ Processor 1.90 GHz
CPU Characteristics: 64 core, 1.9GHz, 320MB L3 Cache
CPU Frequency (MHz): 1900
CPU(s) Enabled: 128 cores, 2 chips, 64 cores/chip
Hardware Threads: 256 (2 / core)
CPU(s) Orderable: 1,2 chips
Primary Cache: 32 KB I + 48 KB D on chip per core
Secondary Cache: 128 MB I+D on chip per chip
Tertiary Cache: 320 MB I+D on chip per chip
Other Cache: None
Memory Amount (GB): 512
# and size of DIMM: 16 x 32768 MB
Memory Details: 16 x SK_32G_DDR5-4800ER_2R8_A20J, IEIT PN:ZMMY1000728;slots CPU0_C0D0,CPU0_C1D0, CPU0_C2D0, CPU0_C3D0, CPU0_C4D0, CPU0_C5D0, CPU0_C6D0, CPU0_C7D0, CPU1_C0D0,CPU1_C1D0, CPU1_C2D0, CPU1_C3D0, CPU1_C4D0, CPU1_C5D0, CPU1_C6D0, CPU1_C7D0 populated
Power Supply Quantity and Rating (W): 1 x 1300
Power Supply Details: 1 x 1300w Great Wall Power; G_M_GW-CRPS1300D2W_1300W_1U_P; IEIT PN:V031052000000000
Disk Drive: 1 x 960G PM963_MZQLW960HMJP-00003_NVME;IEIT PN:ZMHD1000265
Disk Controller: Integrated NVME controller
# and type of Network Interface Cards (NICs) Installed: 1 x Intel_W_I350-T2V2_RJ_PCI-E4X_1KM
NICs Enabled in Firmware / OS / Connected: 2/2/1
Network Speed (Mbit): 1000
Keyboard: None
Mouse: None
Monitor: None
Optical Drives: No
Other Hardware: None
Power Management: Balanced Mode enabled in OS
Operating System (OS): Windows Server 2022 Datacenter
OS Version: Version 21H2 (OS Build 20348.1970)
Filesystem: NTFS
JVM Vendor: Oracle Corporation
JVM Version: Oracle Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 18.9 (build, mixed mode)
JVM Command-line Options: -server -Xmn1650m -Xms1800m -Xmx1800m -XX:SurvivorRatio=1 -XX:TargetSurvivorRatio=99 -XX:ParallelGCThreads=2 -XX:AllocatePrefetchDistance=256 -XX:AllocatePrefetchLines=4 -XX:LoopUnrollLimit=45 -XX:InitialTenuringThreshold=12 -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=15 -XX:InlineSmallCode=3900 -XX:MaxInlineSize=270 -XX:FreqInlineSize=2500 -XX:+UseLargePages -XX:+UseParallelOldGC -XX:UseAVX=1 -XX:-UseAdaptiveSizePolicy -XX:-ThreadLocalHandshakes
JVM Affinity: start /NODE[0-3] /AFFINITY [0x3, 0xc, 0x30, 0xc0, 0x300, 0xc00, 0x3000, 0xc000, 0x30000, 0xc0000, 0x300000, 0xc00000, 0x3000000, 0xc000000, 0x30000000, 0xc0000000, 0x300000000, 0xc00000000, 0x3000000000, 0xc000000000, 0x30000000000, 0xc0000000000, 0x300000000000, 0xc00000000000, 0x3000000000000, 0xc000000000000, 0x30000000000000, 0xc0000000000000, 0x300000000000000, 0xc00000000000000, 0x3000000000000000, 0xc000000000000000]
JVM Instances: 128
JVM Initial Heap (MB): 1800
JVM Maximum Heap (MB): 1800
JVM Address Bits: 64
Boot Firmware Version: 06.00.00
Management Firmware Version: 05.02.00
Workload Version: SSJ 1.2.10
Director Location: Controller
Other Software: KB5030216
Boot Firmware Settings
Management Firmware Settings
System Under Test Notes
SPECpower_ssj.props input.load_level.number_warehouses set to 256 to detect the full number of available processors on the SUT
Performance Details
Target Load Actual Load Transaction Type Count Total Heap (MB)
Calibration 1 New Order 9,956,491 1,250
Payment 9,956,495
Order Status 995,649
Delivery 995,648
Stock Level 995,648
Customer Report 9,956,492
Calibration 2 New Order 9,768,787 1,250
Payment 9,768,787
Order Status 976,880
Delivery 976,878
Stock Level 976,879
Customer Report 9,768,784
Calibration 3 New Order 9,900,249 1,250
Payment 9,900,248
Order Status 990,025
Delivery 990,024
Stock Level 990,023
Customer Report 9,900,250
100% 99.7% New Order 9,800,800 1,250
Payment 9,800,803
Order Status 980,081
Delivery 980,081
Stock Level 980,080
Customer Report 9,800,802
90% 92.1% New Order 9,049,621 1,250
Payment 9,049,621
Order Status 904,963
Delivery 904,962
Stock Level 904,962
Customer Report 9,049,616
80% 82.0% New Order 8,066,957 1,250
Payment 8,066,959
Order Status 806,696
Delivery 806,696
Stock Level 806,696
Customer Report 8,066,960
70% 71.0% New Order 6,978,760 1,250
Payment 6,978,761
Order Status 697,875
Delivery 697,876
Stock Level 697,876
Customer Report 6,978,759
60% 59.8% New Order 5,881,012 1,250
Payment 5,881,011
Order Status 588,101
Delivery 588,101
Stock Level 588,101
Customer Report 5,881,015
50% 49.7% New Order 4,880,289 1,250
Payment 4,880,289
Order Status 488,031
Delivery 488,028
Stock Level 488,029
Customer Report 4,880,293
40% 39.8% New Order 3,908,836 1,250
Payment 3,908,834
Order Status 390,883
Delivery 390,883
Stock Level 390,882
Customer Report 3,908,834
30% 29.9% New Order 2,933,291 1,250
Payment 2,933,291
Order Status 293,329
Delivery 293,329
Stock Level 293,330
Customer Report 2,933,291
20% 20.3% New Order 1,990,307 1,250
Payment 1,990,305
Order Status 199,030
Delivery 199,030
Stock Level 199,029
Customer Report 1,990,299
10% 9.8% New Order 967,229 1,250
Payment 967,230
Order Status 96,725
Delivery 96,723
Stock Level 96,723
Customer Report 967,228
Active Idle New Order 0 1,250
Payment 0
Order Status 0
Delivery 0
Stock Level 0
Customer Report 0