Class SpecApplet


public class SpecApplet
This the the root class using which the SpecJVMClient98 can be launched. This class is placed in the html file with applet tag and the initialization params

Constructor Index

 o SpecApplet()

Method Index

 o applicationInit()
This method is used when SpecJVM client is run as an application.
 o handleEvent(Event)
Callback function to handle the user operations
 o init()
Applet initialization method.
 o start()
Applet Start method
 o stop()
Applet stop method


 o SpecApplet
 public SpecApplet()


 o init
 public void init()
Applet initialization method. This method apart from calling the default init method of Applet class, creates the instance of the SpecJVMClient object and initializes it

 o applicationInit
 public void applicationInit()
This method is used when SpecJVM client is run as an application. This is only for debugging purpos

See Also:
 o start
 public void start()
Applet Start method

See Also:
 o stop
 public void stop()
Applet stop method

See Also:
 o handleEvent
 public boolean handleEvent(Event event)
Callback function to handle the user operations