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Class spec.harness.SpecJava


public class SpecJava
implements BenchmarkDone
SpecJava class defines the harness environment within which various benchmarks are executed. It displays results, generates reports, and creates an interface to choose benchmarks for execution. This class implements the BenchmarkDone interface, which has a method benchmarkdone(). The Benchmarks call this method once they finish the execution.

See Also:
BenchmarkDone, BenchmarkDone

Variable Index

 o autoRun
Flag indicating, whether the benchmarks are being run in automode or not.
 o standalone

Constructor Index

 o SpecJava()
Default constructor for the SpecJava class

Method Index

 o benchmarkDone(String, Properties)
This method is called by the programmer runner class after finishing the benchmark.
 o benchmarkPrint(String)
This method is called by program runner after finishing the benchmark.
 o handleEvent(Event)
This is the callback function for the buttons in the applet
 o init(Applet, boolean)
init method of the applet.
 o initPart2()
Initialization is divided into 2 parts.
 o qualifyFileName(String)
converts filenames to URL's.
 o start()
 o stop()


 o autoRun
 public boolean autoRun
Flag indicating, whether the benchmarks are being run in automode or not.

See Also:
 o standalone
 public static boolean standalone
 protected int NUM_ITER


 o SpecJava
 public SpecJava()
Default constructor for the SpecJava class


 o start
 public void start()
 o stop
 public void stop()
 o handleEvent
 public boolean handleEvent(Event event)
This is the callback function for the buttons in the applet

 o init
 public void init(Applet applet,
                  boolean standalone)
init method of the applet. Loads the benchmark groups. Get the property files. The mode or running the SpecJVMClient.

 o initPart2
 public void initPart2()
Initialization is divided into 2 parts. Part1 display some dialogs and part2 which shows the benchmark lists available and the buttons to select them and run them.

 o qualifyFileName
 public String qualifyFileName(String unqualified)
converts filenames to URL's.

 o benchmarkPrint
 public void benchmarkPrint(String s)
This method is called by program runner after finishing the benchmark. This is a method of BenchmarkDone interface.

See Also:
BenchmarkDone, ProgramRunner
 o benchmarkDone
 public void benchmarkDone(String className,
                           Properties results)
This method is called by the programmer runner class after finishing the benchmark. The results are mailed to the specified address if SpecJVMClient98 is running in the non-interactive mode. In the Interactive mode of operation. The next benchmark from the selection list is started. "Ver XX Finished" will be displayed if all the benchmarks in the selection list were finished

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