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public class FileOutputStream
Dummy output stream that is only used as a place holder and for a little benchmark validity checking

Constructor Index

 o FileOutputStream(File)
Standard constructor
 o FileOutputStream(String)
Standard constructor.
 o FileOutputStream(String, boolean)
Standard constructor.

Method Index

 o clearCount()
Chears the byte counter
 o printCount(boolean)
Prints the byte counter in validity check mode '1'
 o specialTrace(String, int)
 o write(byte[])
Write b.length bytes into output stream
 o write(byte[], int, int)
Writes len bytes from the specified byte array starting at offset off to this output stream.
 o write(int)
Writes specified byte into output stream.


 o FileOutputStream
 public FileOutputStream(String name) throws IOException
Standard constructor. It creates the file if it is not existing, but it truncates the existing data if the file already exists

 o FileOutputStream
 public FileOutputStream(String name,
                         boolean append) throws IOException
Standard constructor. It opens the existing file but doesn't truncate existing data

See Also:
 o FileOutputStream
 public FileOutputStream(File file) throws IOException
Standard constructor


 o write
 public void write(int b) throws IOException
Writes specified byte into output stream.

b - - byte to be written
 o write
 public void write(byte b[]) throws IOException
Write b.length bytes into output stream

b - - byte array to be written
 o write
 public void write(byte b[],
                   int off,
                   int len) throws IOException
Writes len bytes from the specified byte array starting at offset off to this output stream. The write method of FilterOutputStream calls the write method of one argument on each byte to output. Note that this method does not call the write method of its underlying input stream with the same arguments. Subclasses of FilterOutputStream should provide a more efficient implementation of this method

 o clearCount
 public static void clearCount()
Chears the byte counter

 o printCount
 public static void printCount(boolean check)
Prints the byte counter in validity check mode '1'

check - - Indicates whether the validation is enabled or not
 o specialTrace
 public static int specialTrace(String rtn,
                                int ch)

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