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public class PrintStream
This class implements a special form of PrintStream that is used by the benchmarks. The class vaieable spec.harness.Context.out is made to point to an instance of this class. The purpuse of the class is to record validity check information with the recorded output. This is done using one of nine integer values (0-8). 0 means the default validity checking is to be used and is what a Context.out.println() would employ. The numbers 1 through 8 are used to set various valitity cheching rules. This class implements a set of println() type methods that allow the text output to be does so within the context of a certain validity cheching value. These routines will output the valitity check value to the associated OutputStream unchanged. This will cause them to be output as the character values to  these values are not normally used (the next one is) so this should not cause a problem. However this is checked for in ValidityCheckOutputStream.

See Also:
ConsoleOutputStream, ValidityCheckOutputStream

Constructor Index

 o PrintStream(OutputStream)
Creates a new PrintStream.

Method Index

 o print(char, String)
Print a string in a validity context
 o println(char, String)
Print a string in a validity context


 o PrintStream
 public PrintStream(OutputStream out)
Creates a new PrintStream.

out - the output stream


 o print
 public synchronized void print(char v,
                                String s)
Print a string in a validity context

v - the validity context value.
s - the data to be printed.
 o println
 public synchronized void println(char v,
                                  String s)
Print a string in a validity context

v - the validity context value.
s - the data to be printed.

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